Scheduling Unique Author Events
As an author, you're going to want to schedule events to showcase your work and connect with readers. There are some “go-to” places for author events, such as bookstores, libraries, schools, and book festivals.
Unique Locations for Author Events
Outside of those opportunities, how about we get a little more creative? Consider matching the theme of your book to possible locations:
Craft stores or bakeries: pair an art project or cookie decorating activity with a book reading
Restaurants or bars: read a chapter of your novel and have it paired with a themed appetizer or beverage- likely not for children's books ;)
Museums or historic homes: tie the location or theme of your book to a point in history
Animal shelters or nature preserves: connect your animal-themed book to a local organization or setting
Tips for Scheduling Author Events
When it comes to reaching out to local vendors about possible events, it's important to do the work for them. Here’s what I mean:
Come to them with a concrete idea, but remain flexible about what works best for their venue or audience.
Offer to help them with the promotion by developing images and content for their social media, e-newsletters, and flyers. If they are a smaller establishment, they may jump at this opportunity because they likely have limited internal capacity. If they are a larger group, such as an established art museum, they may want to manage all their own promotion (which doesn’t mean you won’t ALSO promote through your channels).
Consider donating a percentage of the sales back to the host organization. It’s a great way to get buy-in and have the venue invested in the success of the event.
Where have you had some of your most successful author events? Share in the comments!
Check out these Author Trainings
Looking for more advice on self-publishing or book marketing? Check out my Author Trainings!