What I Learned from Leaving My Comfort Zone
This past weekend my “business besties” and I went on an exotic retreat to a faraway land…
Just kidding, we rented a house just down the road from my home, but it felt like we were a million miles away. And it was magical.
This retreat was all about reflecting on the past year, setting intentional business goals, taking time to rest, and making space for conversation, food, and laughter. It was also a chance for me to explore new ideas outside of my traditional thinking and comfort zone- such as astrology and tarot cards. (If Julie, Monica, and Lindsay are reading this, they will attest to the fact that I made a lot of “WHAT are you TALKING about??” faces.)
What I discovered really surprised me- not because it was surprising, but because it was so accurate. Especially when thinking about my journey and how it lead me to become a coach for self-published authors.
Here's a glimpse into what I learned about myself.
Author Astrological Signs
Astrological Sign- Leo (solar and lunar), Virgo (rising)
I received a 22-page report on my birth chart from Cafe Astrology. I fully admit that I still don't quite understand it, but here are some of the themes that popped up over and over again in those pages:
hard working, strives toward an ideal
wants to make the world a better place
likes to give advice
feels the need to organize
honest, frank, open, and sincere
needs solitude and alone time
helpful and well-informed
Author Enneagram Type
Enneagram Type 3, with 2 Wing
Enneagram Type 3s are known as “The Achiever”, while Type 2s are “The Giver”. The combination of these two can often be “outgoing, friendly, and enjoy work that serves others. They enjoy entertaining and are gurus at making and maintaining strong social bonds. This type thrives in careers such as advertising, event planning, broadcasting, and entrepreneurship.” I also learned that Oprah is a Type 3 so I think I am in good company!
Author Tarot Card Reading
Tarot Card: The Queen of Wands
At the beginning of the retreat, we each pulled a tarot card (a first for me) to set an intention for the next 48 hours. My intention was to reflect on how I wanted to grow in my business and help others. I reached into the deck and pulled The Queen of Wands: Charismatic Compassion.
The Queen of Wands is never low on energy, warmth, or generosity. She is independent and guided by instinct. Her feisty spunk will ensure that any task is completed. Her reward is watching others learn and grow.
Next Steps as an Author
So now what?
Needless to say, this past weekend really has me thinking about what comes next! And while I spend some time letting this all sink in, I do know these various signs point to me spending more time and energy working with other authors. I love the creative relationships that I have built with writers around the world! And I'm driven to share the publishing and marketing strategies that I have developed with any of you who have inspiring author goals of your own.
So I have a question for you:
Do I sound like the kind of person who could help you along your author journey? If so, I invite you to check out some of my trainings or even schedule a time for us to chat. I'd love to connect with you- it's just part of who I am.