October Social Media Posts for Authors

Last month I heard from so many of you that you loved receiving social media ideas from me. Message received! I'm going to make this a regular blog feature because I know how easy it is to get stuck in Social Media Paralysis Syndrome.*


So here we are on the cusp of October and I'm sharing 3 literary-inspired ideas for you to share with your followers! 


*not a real syndrome, I like to make things up. 

What to Post on Social Media in October

Take advantage of some upcoming social media celebrations by posting about these events: 


1. Random Acts of Poetry Day- October 6th: Create a quick poem or share one of your favorites online! Use #randomactsofpoetry to gain even more views of your post. 


2. National Book Month: The possibilities here are endless! Showcase your own books, feature a recent favorite you've read, give a shoutout to some of your favorite authors, snap a photo of your bookshelf, write a review for a book you've always loved… I bet you could come up with at least 10 ideas to post about this month! Be sure to include #NationalBookMonth and #BookMonth2021 in your posts. 


3. TeenTober: Formerly Teen Read Week, #TeenTober is all about encouraging young people to read. What was your favorite book as a teenager? Who are some of your favorite young adult (#YA) authors? Do you have a teenager yourself? What are they reading? TeenTober is sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Check out their event toolkit and consider tagging them in your posts! 


Need More Social Media Ideas?

If you're like most authors, you didn't write your book because you love social media. You wrote your book because you have a great story to tell! And it just so happens that social media is an important piece of the big marketing puzzle. 

If you could use some social media assistance, then let’s schedule an Author Coaching Call! We can discuss:

  • Ready-to-implement strategies to create engaging social media content

  • A system to plan your next 3 months of posts in less than 1 hour

  • Confidence in knowing that your posts are designed to spark engagement

  • Relief in knowing that you have a system in place to gain new followers week after week after week