Returning to In-Person Author Readings


Today was my first time doing an in-person author event since before the start of COVID-19. Over the past few years, I have done several virtual events (and had some in-person events that wound up getting canceled for COVID), but it feels like it has been forevvvvvvver since I have been in a classroom in front of a group of young readers!


Getting Back into the Classroom

I don’t think I realized how much I have missed doing author school visits until I was back in the classroom today!

There is something about the energy of young readers enjoying a story that just can’t be replicated online. I was asked to come in and read because the students were writing their own books. What a joy to see their little minds at work!

For this classroom reading, I shared my first book, “The Great Latke Cook Off,” we did coloring and activity pages together, and because of the Chanukah theme, I gave them each a dreidle to play with and take home.

It reminded me of this simple formula for a successful author event:

  • Bring a great story to share

  • Have an activity planned

  • Give the audience something to take home

And let’s not forget the importance of connecting with the parents during a classroom visit! The school sent home my order forms with a discount code that I had created especially for them. And so far, I’ve received orders from 30% of the class!

Classroom activities during an author visit

Payment for author classroom visits

One question I’m often asked during my author coaching sessions is, “Do you charge for your author visits?” And my answer is I do. Sometimes.

For the first two years of my author work, I didn’t ever ask to be paid for a classroom visit or other author event. And I think that’s because I was nervous to ask! But then I started to put myself out there, and guess what? I would say that now about half of all of my author visits are paid opportunities.

If a school doesn’t have a budget for an author visit, I don’t automatically say no. But I consider my time, my schedule, and how else the school will help me promote my books. And when they do have a budget, I usually ask for $175-$200 for a single in-person visit. Sometimes they say yes, and sometimes we come up with a different price. But it never hurts to ask! In fact, I’ve never had a school or event planner say to me, “Well, we WOULD have liked you to come, but since you are asking about payment, we are withdrawing our invitation.” So have a price in mind and don’t be afraid to ask if they have a budget for author visits.


Get Creative About Your Author Visits

Remember, author visits don’t just need to happen in schools or classrooms. Some of my favorite events have been in more creative spaces! Check out this blog post, “Scheduling Unique Author Events,” to get some inspiration!

What have been some of your favorite events? When was the last time you were in the classroom? Share with us in the comments!

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