Daily Book Marketing Strategies


Most authors know that, outside of writing a great story, creating a successful marketing plan is the most important thing you can do to sell your book. Marketing is something you need to do on a daily basis. If that sounds overwhelming, I’m going to give you a very simple activity to do every day.

Tell someone about your book.

That’s it. That’s the strategy. And it works!

Author Lauren Ranalli have coffee and talking about books with a friend

Book Marketing: Tell Everyone You Know

If you've taken any of my online trainings or done author coaching sessions with me, then you already know that I am a big proponent of telling everyone you know (and everyone you don't know) about your book.

Want to know a few examples of people who bought my book?

  • My electrician

  • Our pediatrician

  • A co-worker from 20 years ago

  • A college classmate who I hadn't seen in over 10 years (she bought 15 copies as gifts)

  • My sister’s ex-boyfriend from over 25 years ago

I wouldn't have made these sales without telling them about my book! So start practicing how to talk about your book in different settings on a regular basis.


How to Talk About Your Book

Need some ideas on how to tell people about your book?

  • Respond with "I'm great, busy working on my new book!" when someone asks you how you are doing.

  • Send an email to friends and family talking about your new project.

  • Create a social media post showing your work behind the scenes.

  • Text a few friends to say that you just finished your first draft.

I promise that you'll find inspiration and motivation from their positive responses!

Remember, you are the best marketing source for your book! So start talking.

Ready to get serious about your book marketing plan? Let’s dig in together!

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