3 Ways to Handle a Bad Book Review
As a writer, you are always going to be hoping to get more book reviews. Book reviews are one of the key ways that people shop for their next book. And while we all hope that every single one will be a glowing 5-star review, negative reviews will inevitably be part of the mix.
So what should you do with a negative book review? Here are three things to consider to help you deal with a less than glowing review.
How to Handle a Bad Book Review
Remember that negative book reviews happen to every author. If you look up your favorite books on Amazon or Goodreads, I bet you will see negative reviews that you don’t agree with. Your book is not for everyone- and that’s okay. So while you can allow yourself to feel sad, hurt, annoyed, or whatever other feelings crop up, just remember that you are not alone. And the fact that you have reviews coming in means that people are reading your book!
Learn from bad reviews. Try your best to stay objective. Ask yourself, “Is there a theme to these reviews?” If you start to see a pattern with your negative reviews- the rhyming cadence is off, the characters felt flat, the book needs a glossary of terms- then it’s time to think about how you can improve. And improving is a good thing!
If there are small changes to your existing book, you can consider making edits without needing to update your ISBN. If you think a larger overhaul is in order, consider releasing an updated edition. If you don’t want to change your existing book, still consider what you can learn from these reviews when writing your next one!
Focus on the positive. It’s so easy to let a couple of bad reviews ruin your day (or your week, your month…). But for every bad review you receive, re-read at least three of the positive ones. And, better yet, DO SOMETHING with those positive reviews! Don’t let good reviews just sit on Amazon or Goodreads. You need to make the most of your reviews and share them with readers on your website, through social media, and email marketing.
So, remember, getting a negative book review is going to happen. Consider it part of the learning process and continue to promote your positive reviews. Remember, you are the best marketing source for your book!
Need some tips on how to get your positive reviews out to readers? Check out my social media and email trainings for authors!
Authors, how else do you handle a negative review? Or what do you do to promote a positive review? Let me know!