How to Take a Break from Social Media


I don't know about you, but I am ready for summer! I'm looking forward to a more relaxed family schedule, diving into my summer reading list, working on my upcoming book releases, and… taking a break from social media.

Now, don't get me wrong, I will be on social media this summer. But I'm taking a break from WORKING on social media.

Want to know why? Because I already have a plan.

How to Take a Break from Social Media

Why a Social Media Plan is Important

I believe that social media is an important part of any author's business. It's a great way to connect with readers!

But, if you don't have a good plan in place, it can also be a total drain on your time and energy.

I used to think that social media was something I had to do every single day, every week of the year. With that approach, I definitely found myself getting burnt out. To me, social media is supposed to be fun- a way to express myself and connect with my online community. But without having a solid social media plan in place, it stopped being fun and started to be WORK.


Planning Ahead… So You Can Take a Break

There are a lot of people out there who advocate for a total and complete break from social media. That means no posting, deleting the apps from your phone, and completely checking out for a set period of time.

I’m going to be honest, as an author and business owner, that doesn’t work for me. So I’m not here to tell you to stop using social media. But I am here to say that you can you can reconsider your approach, especially if you have a solid social media plan in place to do some of the work for you.

So when I say I’m taking a break from WORKING on social media, here’s what that means for me:

  • I’m scheduling my social media posts in advance, allowing for a “set it and forget it” mindset

  • I’ve reduced my social media schedule to twice a week

  • I’ll add spur-of-the-moment Instagram stories when I feel inspired

  • I plan to check in a couple of times a week to respond to comments and DMs, still allowing me to engage with my followers


Create Your Social Media Plan

If having a strong social media plan sounds like something you need, then check out Social Media for Authors: Creating Content that Connects

This 45-minute training will give you ready-to-implement strategies for creating engaging, meaningful social media content. Wouldn’t that feel like a relief?


“This was an amazing training! I was able to set up a real strategy that makes sense for me as an individual and as an author.”

-Tori, author

How else are you planning to take a break this summer?

Share in the comments!

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