It's Not About You
As an author and business owner, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can connect with more people. I want them to know about my work, my books, my trainings, my interests, and so on.
But then I remember, it's not about me. And guess what? As a fellow author or entrepreneur, it's not about you either.
Are you looking to connect with more
readers or followers?
I often receive messages from people online asking me to follow their work, promote their book, or give them an endorsement. And, I have to say, it can be very off-putting, especially if this is how they choose to introduce themselves to me (which is usually the case).
So I encourage you not to start your introduction with an ask. Remember, it’s not about you. Sometimes the best thing you can do is show a genuine interest in someone else. And that can start with saying hello. This sounds simple (and it is), but I want you to give it a try.
First, identify 10 accounts online that you like, but who aren’t currently following you.
Second, send each of them a direct message to say hello and share why you like their content. That’s it.
Here’s an example of a time that I introduced myself to Brave and Kind Books, an account that I really enjoy and wanted to connect with.