How to Create Your Best Instagram Bio
I created an author Instagram account back in 2018 when I was working on my first book, The Great Latke Cook Off.
When I first started out with promoting my book on social media I was doing just that: only promoting my book.
My First Instagram Bio
This was me- my first Instagram handle and bio. I signed up as @greatlatkebook, I put up a fairly bland graphic that had nothing to do with my actual book illustrations (because I didn’t have any yet), and my bio only talked about my book.
My Next Instagram Bio
But I soon realized that I may write other books in the future, so that’s probably not the best handle or bio. Plus, what if someone doesn’t know what latkes are or care about them? Are they going to think that there’s no other reason to follow me?
So this is what came next. I changed my handle to @lauren.ranalli_author, added some additional information about myself, and included my website as a clickable link so that people could find me.
Pretty good, right? But in doing more research, I realized I still wasn’t using my bio to its full potential.
Creating My Best Instagram Bio
This is me recently. I’ve updated my bio again so followers know that, yes, I’m an author, but I’m also a marketing coach. I continue to promote things that I feel passionately about, such as literacy and diverse books. I still give them my website, but now I also let my Instagram followers know what they’ll get on my website- free resources!
I also learned that the handle and the title in your bio are both searchable. In my previous bio my handle was “lauren.ranalli, author” and my title was also Lauren Ranalli, author. So that was a wasted opportunity.
By changing my title to Children’s Book Author I will now show up in more searches. People can search for me by name, or I may show up in a general search for Children’s Book Authors.
I also added emojis because it turns out they are searchable as well! So someone could type in a pencil emoji and my profile may pop up in their search. Plus, I just love to add a good pencil reference whenever I can.
Want to make some updates to your Instagram bio?
Here are 3 takeaways:
I recommend choosing a handle that is not the title of your book. Even if you have only published one manuscript, you want to think beyond the book. Good news- you can change your handle right now without losing any of your followers or previous posts.
Make sure you include a way for people to connect with you- whether it’s your website, email, or some other method for contact. And give them ideas as to why they may want to get in touch! For example, get free resources, contact for manuscript swap, or get a discount code or free download.
Use all 3 searchable opportunities- your handle, your title, and emojis- to connect with readers.
Looking to really improve your social media and sell more books?
Let’s schedule an Author Coaching Call to get you set up for success!