March Social Media Ideas
Ready for your next round of social media inspiration? There's a lot to celebrate in March! So plan ahead and think of fun ways to connect with your readers online. Here are some ideas to get you started.
5 Social Media Ideas for Authors
1. National Reading Month: Whoohoo! An entire month to celebrate my favorite activity! Take advantage by scheduling multiple posts that highlight your favorite books (including ones you have written yourself!), a cozy reading spot, or what's next on your to-be-read list. Use hashtags #ReadingMonth #NationalReadingMonth #ReadingMonth2022 to get even more traction on your posts.
2. Small Press Month: Are you working with a small press or indie publisher? Give them a shoutout during #SmallPressMonth and tell others why you have enjoyed working with them!
3. Read an E-Book Week, March 6th-12th: Do you have an e-book available? This is a great time to promote it! Consider offering a discount during this week to gain some new readers. Don't have your own e-book? Share some from your favorite authors!
4. Return Borrowed Books Week, March 6th-12th: Have some books you've been meaning to return? Um, yeah, me too. Consider some funny posts where you apologize to the owner. I'll be returning an Ann Patchett book to my friend Annemarie- now I know I need to finish it by March 12th!
5. World Poetry Day, March 21st: Share some favorite works of poetry or create your own poem for this day! Tag #WorldPoetryDay #WorldPoetryDay2022 and #PoetryDay to share your work with others.
Whatever you decide to post on social media this month, just be sure to mix it up! Tell us about the last book you read, your favorite places to buy books, and be sure to return the books that have been sitting on your nightstand to their rightful owners :)
Like these ideas, but want a complete system for planning out engaging social media content?
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