April Indie Author Roundup


Summer is a great time to check out some new books! This month I’m excited to feature 4 more books from self-published authors. Looking for a new book for yourself or others in your life? Click on the links below to view their work!

  • Super Max’s Ultimate Try by Heather E. Robyn

  • Totally Loveable by Tammy Lovell

  • Night to Day by J

  • Pick My Hero books by Maria Theresa Jorge


Book Promotion Services

Are you an author looking to get more readers for your books?

The Indie Author Roundup is currently on pause, but check back for book promotion opportunities for self-published or independently published authors of children’s books, young adult books, or adult fiction and non-fiction!

And make sure you’ve signed up for the Children’s Book Marketing Newsletter to receive free book promotion ideas!


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