10 Indie Author Awards to Consider


Do you dream of becoming an award-winning author? Well, it might be closer than you think! Speaking from personal experience, my children's books have won 3 author awards since I first began publishing in 2018.

And you know what? I wouldn’t have won any of these awards if I hadn't decided to submit my book!


Submitting Your Book for Author Awards

Submitting your book for awards can be a great way to get additional publicity as a self-published author!

But do you want to submit for every single book award out there? Probably not. Most book awards charge a fee for submission and require you to part with a few precious hard copies of your book. So it’s probably best to choose the right awards submissions for your book.

It takes a bit of research to know which awards might be a great fit and also accept submissions from self-published authors. Good news! I've done that research for you :)

Here’s a list of 10 book award submission opportunities that you should consider, in no particular oder*

10 Book Award Submission Opportunities
  1. Independent Publishing Awards

  2. Northern Lights Book Award

  3. IndieReader Discovery Award

  4. Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards

  5. Foreword Indies Book Award

  6. The Best Indie Book Award

  7. National Indie Excellence Award

  8. Auggie Bear Publishing Awards

  9. Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards

  10. Next Generation Indie Book Awards

What other awards have you researched or won yourself? Share in the comments!

*these awards were active as of September 2022 when this post was originally published

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