November Social Media Ideas for Authors


I know that many of you worry about creating engaging social media content. And sometimes coming up with new ideas every week can feel a bit daunting. So I'm here to hand-deliver five ideas for social media posts!  

From National Book Award Week to I Love to Write Day, November is filled with bookish themes to engage your audience on social media.

A photo of a bookshelf with the words "November Social Media Ideas for Book Lovers"

5 Social Media Ideas for Authors:

  1. National Author’s Day (November 1): Well, it’s this the perfect day to reintroduce yourself? 😊 Tell your followers about what inspired you to become an author and share some insights from your writing journey.

  2. National Book Award Week (November 7-13): Are you the proud recipient of any book awards? Show them off this week! It’s a great time to tell everyone about your awards and thank the sponsors.

  3. National Young Readers Week (November 13-17): This is a great week to highlight any books you have for young readers, share any young reader resources you have, or take a trip down memory lane and tell us about some early memories of your favorite books! 📖

  4. I Love to Write Day (November 15): This is the perfect opportunity to go behind the scenes and share your writing process. Do you start with paper and pencil or go right to the computer? Where do you do your best writing- at your desk, outside, or do ideas come to you on a walk? Let readers in on what your life as a writer looks like!

  5. Picture Book Month (November 1-30): You can celebrate all month long! During #PictureBookMonth, share your own work and lift up other picture book writers and illustrators. Maybe even reach out to a few to collaborate on some shared posts? Whatever you do, be sure to share at least a few reasons why you think picture books are amazing 🥰

Authors, what else will you post on social media this month?

Share in the comments!

Do you need someone to help you create an easy-to-implement social media plan? Check out one of my most popular trainings, Social Media for Authors: Creating Content that Connects!

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