Plan Your Holiday Book Sales


The holiday season will be here before we know it! For authors, this is one of the best times of year to increase book sales.

Take some time to prepare before the holiday rush!

5 Tips to Prepare for Holiday Book Sales

Author Lauren Ranalli sitting on the floor signing copies of her books and preparing for holiday books sales
  1. Book Your Author Events:

    The holidays are a great time to get in front of live audiences. Check out holiday festivals, book fairs, or gift exhibitions in your area. You’ll want to consider your budget for exhibiting fees and giveaways when determining which events to attend.

  2. Check Your Book Inventory:

    If you’re planning to attend a number of events AND increase online sales, make sure you have enough books ready to go! Place your orders as soon as possible to avoid the holiday rush. If you are exhibiting at author events, don’t forget to stock up on table giveaways to go along with your books.

  3. Determine Your Book Discounts:

    Most of us are conditioned to expect some sort of discount around the holidays. So take a moment to think of what you might offer. Some options for book discounts include free shipping, Buy 1 Get One Free, or offering a certain percentage or dollar amount off the standard price. Whichever discounts you decide to offer, be sure to have ways to track their effectiveness to see what you might want to use again or do differently next year!

  4. Plan Your Author Email Marketing:

    Email marketing is one of the most effective tools you can use as an author! If you are planning to increase your book sales over the holidays, be sure to plan out at least 3 emails to remind your audience of your holiday sale. Need some help with email marketing? I’ve got you covered. Check out Email Marketing for Authors to get your plan in place.

  5. Plan Your Author Social Media:

    Social media is another great place to highlight your author events and holiday book sales! But it can also be a CROWDED space over the holidays. Check out Social Media for Authors: Creating Content that Connects to learn how to set up 3 months’ worth of social media content, just in time for the holidays!

What are some other ways you are preparing for holiday book sales? Share in the comments!

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