Does social media make you nervous?
Just between the two of us, have you ever spent waaaaay longer than you intended thinking about a social media post? Have you ever debated whether or not you should post a specific photo? Have you edited a post 3 or more times before hitting "publish" and then still wondered if it was any good?
You, my friend, suffer from SMPAS- Social Media Posting Anxiety Syndrome*
And you're not alone. We all feel this way from time to time. After all, you're putting a bit of yourself out there each time you post, right? So when I find myself over-thinking my social media content, I try to remember these three things:
Marketing on Social Media
1. I can make someone smile: Sometimes a post can brighten someone's day. Someone you don't even know. Or maybe your post points them to a great resource. Or helps them solve a problem. Or introduces them to a wonderful new account to follow. Or solves their "what gift should I buy?" problem. Or maybe... see where I'm going with this?
2. I'm going to lose followers: Yup, you read that correctly. I know that every time I post on social media (and every time I send out a newsletter like this one), I'm going to lose some followers. Oh well. If my content isn't useful, insightful, or bringing someone a little bit of joy, it's okay for them to move on.
3. The more I post, the better I get: Not every post is going to be a winner. And that could be for a number of different reasons- the time of day, the finicking algorithm, the type of content, and so on. But I choose to take a broad view when it comes to creating and sharing social media content. I'm telling a larger story that doesn't live or die with one post. And the more I post, the more I see what does work with my audience.
I believe that social media is a powerful tool to connect with readers, customers, and others in your field. But I also think that we can get in our own way if we put too much emphasis on it.
So here's your challenge this week: Don't overthink it. Publish your next posts and just see what happens. And let me know how it goes!
~ Lauren
*I made this up, but it feels real, right?
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